Pornstar John HOLMES sucked by large mouth

Without a doubt the most well-known hardcore stud ever, John Holmes earned his nickname ‘The Legend’ for his sizable sexual talent. He was a massively endowed and well-built young man whose insatiable appetite for women led him into the best line of work he could imagine. John Holmes became the epitome of what the hard-working porno stud could and should be.

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The John Holmes Three Disc Classic Collection from Adam & Eve is a three disc set of some lesser known John Holmes movies. The movies included here are Treasure Box, Marina Vice, and Lottery Lust. These movies are fun and a bit nostalgic to watch. The girls all have big, BIG hair and hairy bush. Buck Adams is here as well remember him? The movies are short Lottery Lust is the longest at 83 minutes. The audio is not bad, and the picture quality is pretty good considering the source. All of the films were originally shot on video, and are presented in full-screen. Chapter stops are fair. Although John Holmes is really only a bit player here, these are still recommended for fans of 80s porn with its cheesy flair


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